VOYAGE Horizons Module 1, "The Source of the Issue," guides educators and school leaders through the foundational elements of successful Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and provides tools to address common barriers to PLC effectiveness. It all begins with an idea.

Welcome to VOYAGE Horizons Module 1: "The Source of the Issue," where we delve into the essential elements of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and how to implement them effectively within your school. Following an introduction to the goals and structure of VOYAGE Horizons, this module examines why many PLCs fall short in improving educational outcomes, despite their potential to drive meaningful change. To address these challenges, we explore three primary causes of PLC failure and guide you through a needs analysis to identify your school's specific barriers. Finally, the module provides strategies to set and implement a VOYAGE goal tailored to your school’s needs, equipping you to transform collaboration and enhance student success through effective, data-driven PLCs.